Monday, January 26, 2015

                                                      Chapter 5#    The girl did not follow Bluren into the room. Instead, the doors shut almost silently. The room was quiet and the only sound that could be heard was a slight clicking, coming from a secretary at the other end of the room. The secretary ( or at least that's what Bluren assumed she was ) had short blonde hair, cut like the other girls, was wearing the same purple blazer and crisp white dress, but Bluren really couldn't see any more. The girls back was turned. She was standing, and facing a huge computer screen that stretched across the wall. She was clacking away on a keyboard on a desk at the bottom of the screen. Every so often she would reach up and touch the screen itself and use her finger to drag things into different places.    Bluren stood for several minutes waiting for some kind of acknowledgement that kept not coming. Now a little more exasperated then nervous, she cleared her throat, loudly. Then, as if a cannon had gone off the girl jumped and spun around at the same time. This made Bluren jump as well, in alarm. The keyboard girl stared at her with eyes crazed with fear and confusion, as if she didn't know weather to run, attack, or faint right there. She seemed to be strongly debating the ladder in her head. Before she could decide, there was a slow cracking of shoes on tile, coming from a hallway to their right.    The clacking shoes belonged to a boy. A young boy, older then Bluren, and considerably taller, but young. Bluren judged maybe seventeen. He had short cropped mouse brown hair, kind chocolate colored eyes, a sharp nose, and a wide grinning mouth. He too (like everyone else, it seemed) was dressed in a sharp purple blazer, over white pants and a white shirt. He smiled and spoke in a smooth, adolescent voice, "Bluren! My dear, we have been awaiting your arrival with less patience than we should." He grinned, and seemed genuinely happy to see her "Now come, we must discuss my reasons for summoning you. Right this way, please." Down the dark hall they went, back to where this boy came from. They walked and walked along the chessboard-like tile floor. They passed closed manicured white doors, hearing faint sounds with each one; people talking, machines buzzing, and a stranger sound Bluren didn't know. It gave her waves of emotion, with each new sound. All were different, but had some similar quality that gave them the aspect of floating through the closed doors and around the hall.    "Excuse me?" Bluren asked the boy quietly "What is that sound?" For a moment the boy looked puzzled, then seemed to remember something. "Oh that? That's music. The masters have been debating on wether to keep it, or throw it out." He smiled down at her as they walked. Bluren ponders this. "What does it do?" She asked. Now the boy had to think. "I really don't know. I think that's why some want it gone." He replied frankly "But it does give you a nice feeling, doesn't it?"  He added with a knowing smirk. "Yes. Yes it does." Bluren said "I do hope they decide not to get rid of it."____________________________________________________________    Bluren followed the tall boy to yet another important looking door, but this time, the doors parted by themselves when he got near. They entered a gargantuan room that looked as if everything, but with clean white walls, had  been slathered in purple. Like a concert hall, there was a stage and rows of seats. The lights were starting to dim and Bluren couldn't see much. She looked around for the boy, but he was gone. She could hear their anthem start to play, she could hear people whispering, and the lights were stareing to glow back on. Bluren didn't know what else to do, so she quickly sat down in the seat nearest her.    On the stage, there were huge, heavy looking, purple curtains draped in white fabric. The anthem continued as they slowly started to slide apart. They opened to reveal an gigantic white throne-like chair. In the chair, to Bluren's confusion, was the boy who had just walked her to the room. He was dressed opposite everyone else now, with a purple shirt and pants and a new white blazer. He sat with dignity as the clapping started. Bluren had not looked around before, but now she saw hundreds of people, dressed in the uniform outfit. She noticed that the first row of seats at the bottom of the stage were raised slightly and the people who sat there were dressed all in purple.    As the anthem ended, the boy stood from his chair, and spoke into  a nearby microphone. "Good evening, fellow masters!" He greeted the others in the room. They cheered, and he grinned his kind grin at them. "I know that you have all been waiting for this long awaited day, as have I. Tonight we have important business to discuss, so I wish to start right away." The anticipation was in the air. "Tonight, we have gathered here to offer a masters seat to the talented denizen of the green dome- Bluren Steelman!"

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